MLO Meadowlark Organic Flour, Bolted Pastry Flour, Bulk

MLO Meadowlark Organic Flour, Bolted Pastry Flour, Bulk

Iowa Food Hub

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We have 2 in stock.

$25.00 Sale

Venus Soft White Winter Wheat grown by Koether Family Farm in McGregor, IA


Our Bolted Pastry Flour is a silky, soft flour made from Soft White Winter Wheat. It is perfect for biscuits, pie crusts, cookies, and more. Bolted flour has been sifted to remove a large portion of the bran, but still retains the nutrient dense germ and starch filled endosperm. You will also notice very fine bran particles, full of fiber, which give the flour a light cream color. 

Our flours are all stone milled which preserves the integrity and nutritional value of the grain. 


Grain Type: Soft White Winter Wheat (Venus)

Protein Content: 9% 

Extraction rate: 80%